Staff acquisition

fair and effective

The job market has long since ceased to be an employer market. In times of skills shortages and remote working, potential candidates have the choice and the self-confidence to choose the most attractive employer brand. If you want to fill vacant positions, you have to come up with a number of recruitment strategies to attract the right talent. We support you in attracting the attention of qualified employees, generating relevant applications and presenting the uniqueness of your employer brand not only during the job interview but also beyond onboarding. Because good recruiting aims for sustainability and long-term employee retention. When recruiting for our clients, we rely on modern forms of headhunting such as active sourcing and performance recruiting in the field of social recruiting. The success of recruiting stands and falls with a visually and textually appealing job advertisement, embedded in an attention-grabbing campaign - be it via outdoor advertising (OoH) or digitally. The number one source of information for interested employees is your career website. We conceptualise, design and programme it for you in a mobile-optimised way so that you are one step ahead of your competitors in the war for talent.


Job offers

The first seconds are decisive: Job ads have to inspire and arouse curiosity, otherwise they will be overlooked. We create social media ads that lead to a scroll stop and outdoor ads that catch everyone's eye. Together with you, we implement bold, provocative, funny, crazy or sympathetically authentic insights from your company as attention-grabbing visuals. Our ad copy is customised and emphasises your unique Employer Value Proposition (EVP) as an employer. We deliver effective job ads in text and design from a single source.

Career website

You can't do without it: the career website acts as an employer's business card on the web and increases its visibility in the war for talents. We help you to provide authentic insights into the company and to present yourself as a strong employer brand with an attractive EVP. A career site designed by us is more than just a list of vacancies. We communicate your corporate culture and values to talented people. We let employees speak as testimonials who give an insight into their work and stand for appreciation and trusting cooperation. We show your benefits and make you the employer of choice.

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Recruiting campaigns

We can do more than individual recruiting campaigns. Together with you, we develop a basic idea and message that is the common thread running through all personnel marketing measures. We take a strategic and targeted approach by first evaluating the current situation, defining the exact target group, working with you to select relevant channels and then using a modular system to define and implement the campaign measures that will achieve the maximum effect.

Active sourcing

Active sourcing is a variant of social recruiting that is particularly suitable for top positions or positions with a high degree of specialisation. We research suitably qualified talents for you and approach them directly with your offer. It doesn't get any more confidential or targeted than this. Our recruiting specialists crack even the toughest nut for you and turn over every bit of the search on the net.

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Performance Recruiting

The second variant of social recruiting that is currently very trendy is performance recruiting. This approach accelerates and simplifies the application process for interested parties and for you. We develop an attention-grabbing social media ad with a campaign and a separate landing page for you - the social recruiting funnel. You will only receive applications from candidates who are really interested. We pre-select according to your criteria.

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Your Contact

Social Recruiting


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Mercedes-Benz Museum | Guest management
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Tommy Hilfiger | XMAS Customer Event
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Design Offices | Stuttgart Tower
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Porsche Drive | Guest management
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