The professionals of the Full Moon People - Part 1

As a personnel service provider, Full Moon People uses professionally trained specialists for customer projects. Jörg is one of them. He tells us in a short interview what he experiences as a fleet manager at the Porsche Centre in Stuttgart.

Jörg was looking for new challenges and found them at Full Moon People GmbH.

What exactly sets you apart, Jörg?

Jörg: At 39 years of age, it's not so easy to get out of your head. My previous professional experience is of course an important basis today, enabling me to guarantee the highest quality in my current position. If someone like me manages to see the glass always half full, you can walk through the world with an open mind. I think this relaxed, open-minded attitude is what distinguishes me.

What challenges does your position entail?

Jörg: Even before I started working as a fleet manager at the Porsche Centre, I was able to gain a lot of experience in a management position in the automotive industry. We are currently in the process of re-establishing the position of Fleet Manager at the Porsche Centre. Among other things, it is important to structure work processes in an organisational, sustainable and especially effective way. This responsibility is, of course, also a source of motivation at the same time, as we want to inspire all those involved and demonstrate our own abilities.

How would you describe your team in three words?

Jörg: Committed, ambitious and motivated! We all pull together and that is important. I can always rely on my colleagues here at the Porsche Centre and at Full Moon Headquarters!

What role does the team of Full Moon People at Headquarters play for you?

Jörg: Teamwork is crucial for the success of this project. That is why good cooperation is essential. I am in daily contact with the Full Moon People team. Our contact persons are available at all times. You feel safe!

Let's assume that from now on you would be allowed to manage the entire team at the Porsche Centre. What would be your first official act?

Jörg: Phew. There is not so much I would change, as we are optimally positioned. Oh yes, there is a little something: If you're sitting at the source, a Porsche model as a company car wouldn't be so bad. (laughs)

Is there anything you can do without?

Jörg: I could do without some things, but not the coffee in the morning. A freshly brewed hot cup of coffee and the day can start!

You have one wish, what do you wish for?

Jörg: Always world peace. Or the Porsche 911! Modesty is my strength. (laughs)





Epplestraße 225
70567 Stuttgart