Full Moon is committed to children in Yemen

Full Moon is currently supporting the association Future 4 Kids with its aid project in Yemen. Civil war has been raging for almost four years now and has caused a major supply crisis in the country. With its Christmas donation, Full Moon supports a special project in Yemen: A soup kitchen is to be built in the Umhani school in Sanaa and every school child is to be prepared one warm meal a day.

Full Moon is currently supporting the Future 4 Kids association with its aid project in Yemen. Civil war has been raging there for almost four years, which has triggered a major supply crisis. There is hardly any access to clean drinking water or a functioning health care system. This humanitarian catastrophe hits above all the children who live there under catastrophic conditions. Around ten thousand children under five have died of hunger and disease since the outbreak of the conflict. The good news is that Future 4 Kids has already received positive feedback from their liaison person in Sanaa. Thanks to the donations, important projects have already been implemented, such as the purchase of food packages and the support of a paediatrician. With the help of their local liaison person Mohammed Baza, Future 4 Kids has the possibility to support where help is urgently needed.

Full Moon supports another special project in Yemen with its Christmas donation. In the Umhani school in Sanaa, around 1650 pupils are taught every day. Of these 250 are children aged 6-12 years. They already come to school hungry and regularly fall off their chairs during lessons, exhausted and unconscious. Future 4 Kids is therefore building a soup kitchen there with a gas cooker, pots, cooking equipment and crockery. In addition, a cook will be employed to prepare a hot lunch for the school children every school day. With only 50 Euros, one child can be provided for a whole school year!

Read more about the current situation in Yemen and the work of Future 4 Kids here.

The non-profit association Future 4 Kids e.V. was founded in November 2006 and consists of a group of entrepreneurs who want to work on a voluntary basis and help directly. Financial and material resources are used precisely where they are needed - without bureaucracy and exactly where they are needed. The association gets involved where help is needed to improve the living conditions of children and to give them a better future.

More information about the association and its projects can be found at https://www.future4kids.de/





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