EY ALTER - How old are you really?

What age are you at? Do you feel like 19, 38 or rather 65? How do you see yourself at your age? Collectively senile or lifelong mobile? Since mid-May, visitors to the interactive special exhibition "EY ALTER - you can get to know yourself" have been able to find answers and new impulses on the topics of old age, everyday life and the world of work in the Gasometer in Berlin-Schöneberg. Our Full Moon People make sure that everything runs smoothly.

„EY ALTER – you can get to know each other“ We have put together a team to look after the exhibition and visitors that reflects the concept of "EY ALTER" - women and men, old and young with different nationalities. In addition to visitor management, the team is also responsible for all administrative support, such as ticketing, call centre and webshop. Already after the first month, numerous visitors took part in the interactive exhibition - including many school classes.

The special exhibition is part of Mercedes-Benz Cars' cross-location demographic initiative YES ("Young & Experienced together Successful"). The aim is to achieve a cultural change in the company, towards a differentiated view of the individual person with his or her individual abilities and potential. Decide - are you old or young? Based on four thematic areas, the visitor experiences what determines our thinking about old and young, how multifaceted our own age is, what personal potential lies in and how this can be brought into teams with different generations. Visitors can playfully test their age and their potential in different areas using various exhibits. The results are evaluated and at the end they receive a certificate for successful participation.

In October 2015 the exhibition started in Bremen under the scientific supervision of Jacobs University Bremen. Due to the great success of "EY ALTER" the exhibition moved on: From October 2016 to June 2017 it was on display as a special exhibition in the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt. Full Moon People had already put together a team of seven people to coordinate day-to-day business on site, explain the exhibition to visitors, answer their questions and support training in various areas.

Visit "EY ALTER" in Berlin until mid-January 2019. The exhibition is open from Monday to Sunday, 10 am to 6 pm (Thursday until 8 pm).





Epplestraße 225
70567 Stuttgart