Alex in Talk

Our new unit - the Full Moon People - opens a new chapter with Alexander Parlow as Managing Director. It is rumoured that he is the most popular managing director at Full Moon. You can find out whether this is true in the interview:

35 years young, Full Mooner for five years and newly appointed managing director of the new Full Moon People unit. Do you lean back or do you really get going?

Alex: Leaning back is of course out of the question. I am clearly still too young to rest. There is still a lot to do!

With your team of 30, you coordinate 160 trained professionals and a pool of over 700 promoters. Hand on heart: can you remember all the names?

Alex: This question is not fair.

Unfortunately you can't avoid the question.

Alex: Although Full Moon People is a newly founded subsidiary, we are almost an old hand in the personnel services sector. It is of course a challenge to lead a team of this size. That is why I always look for personal contact. I can be reached by everyone: whether it's our project manager sitting in the office one door down the road or our promoters who give their best in Hamburg, for example - I always have an open ear. And that is important to me! Because this is the only way we can achieve our goals as full moon people.

You were previously Senior Project Manager. What exactly has changed today due to your new role as Managing Director?

Alex: Of course, responsibility is growing above all. I make decisions that not only influence me, but also affect every individual in my team. That makes me all the happier to see that we are all pulling in the same direction. Titles are therefore secondary for me. I am and will always be Alex!

We now have seven managing directors. Assuming there is a ranking of who is the most popular, why should you end up in first place?

Alex: The fact is: I AM the most popular, I don't know any false modesty. I think it's because I personally take great pleasure in looking after my colleagues and making sure that they all have maximum fun at work despite the pressure of deadlines and performance.

How can you actually tell that you are in a good mood?

Alex: I would say you hear it directly. When my laughter echoes through the whole agency - and I'm talking about a three-storey building here - one thing is certain: we have something to celebrate!

So, would that be the best moment to ask you for a raise, for example?

Alex: Let's put it this way: the chances of a pay rise are not bad at such moments. (laughs)

I'll remember that!!

Alex: He who does not dare, does not win.





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