
we are proud of

PR Event

Paul Lange


Concept, consulting, personnel selection, personnel deployment, design, graphics, production
Full Moon Experience
Customer: Paul Lange & Co. OHG

For the 50-year partnership between Paul Lange & Co OHG and SHIMANO Inc. Paul Lange commissioned Full Moon Event, which planned, supervised and implemented the anniversary in detail. As the motto "Ride from the past into the future" announced, the anniversary evening focused on the past, present and future.

The event took place on Paul Lange's company premises in Bad Cannstatt under a gigantic 1,800 sqm tent. Around 550 guests were invited, on the one hand by SHIMANO from Japan and customers from Germany and on the other hand guests from German and international business and politics.

On the occasion of the bond between the two partners, which was the main focus of the anniversary, Japanese elements throughout met with Swabian flair: Japanese drummers, a sake ceremony and a live painting show with Japanese art of painting.

In addition to keynotes - among others by Bernhard Lange and Taizo Shimano, who once again underlined the crucial importance of the partnership between the two greats in the German and international bicycle industry - the guests were offered further highlights: The history of the 50-year partnership was visualised in a four-metre high and 2.30 wide book on stage. A video was projected onto the white pages which vividly told the history and the present day of Paul Lange and Shimano. The whole thing was accompanied by bike shows of the Flying Bike Boys, which appropriately presented the past and present importance of the bicycle in society.

Bernhard Lange - managing partner of Paul Lange - explained the future of the bicycle to the guests in a futuristic way. The whole thing was the spectacular highlight of the evening. The Full Moon Event staged a hologram by Bernhard Lange from the year 2047, which entered into dialogue with the real thing and exchanged ideas with him about "Stuttgart 51" among other things - a future project in terms of traffic routing for bicycles in Stuttgart with a slightly ironic side blow to Stuttgart 21.

"This anniversary is something very special in the bicycle industry and beyond, so it was clear from the very beginning that the celebrations for it should also be something special. With the Full Moon Event, we found a partner who not only provided us with creative and prudent advice, but also handled the entire organisation and handling of the event in a highly professional manner," says Bernhard Lange, who was highly satisfied with the concept and the smooth running of the anniversary celebration.

 Referenz - Paul Lange - 50-year partnership  Referenz - Paul Lange - 50-year partnership  Referenz - Paul Lange - 50-year partnership  Referenz - Paul Lange - 50-year partnership  Referenz - Paul Lange - 50-year partnership





Epplestraße 225
70567 Stuttgart