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Conception (technical concept and consulting), programming (E-Learning Framework, Frontend Management System, Training- and Certification Frontend), technologies (TYPO3, ExtBase Extension Development, MVC, Fluid Templating, jQuery), service (application hosting and maintenance)
Full Moon Digital
Customer: incadea Deutschland GmbH
Partner: hydra newmedia GmbH

Incadea is the leading software provider for dealer management, CRM and BI solutions in the automotive industry. Vehicle manufacturers and their dealers worldwide use Incadea’s software solutions. The Learning Management System arose from the collaborative partnership with hydra newmedia GmbH.
The function of Full Moon Digital was to provide a technically designed and implemented training platform that can be used internationally. The platform efficiently and remotely teaches learners how to use the Incadea software solutions to a high standard and can guarantee the knowledge acquired through online tests and online certifications. Thanks to this solution, the amount of feasible training rose drastically and the personnel costs of consultants were greatly reduced. 
The multilingual and multilevel e-learning platform, where trainees can convey their knowledge about various software products, was created with TYPO3. Learning units can be taught efficiently due to role assignments and defined training paths. Users, their roles and access rights, allocation of training paths and learning units and the related multiple-choice tests are all managed in the system. Users have the opportunity to become certified online and receive a dynamically generated certificate. In addition, the system supports an attendance certificate with which various certificates from different levels can be simultaneously acquired from examiners. Conclusive report functionalities with various levels of detail are available in order to analyse the progress and success of the training.

 Referenz - INCADEA - Learning Management System  Referenz - INCADEA - Learning Management System  Referenz - INCADEA - Learning Management System  Referenz - INCADEA - Learning Management System





Epplestraße 225
70567 Stuttgart