Holistic development of employer brands
There are many employers. How does your company stand out from the crowd? Only a strong employer brand can sustainably survive the changes on the labour market. We analyse how your company is perceived internally and externally as an employer and develop a clear and authentic employer brand for you. In the process, we define your unique Employer Value Proposition (EVP) - all the characteristics that set your company apart from the competition and represent a special value proposition to your employees.
A successful employer branding strategy is not only based on your unique selling points as an employer, but also integrates existing and future company requirements for human resources against the background of the constantly changing labour market. We examine what motivates your workforce and attracts new candidates. Flexible working hours, home office, 4-day week, sustainability, diversity - many more topics define the New Work. We develop a convincing employer branding strategy for you, which is coherently reflected in brand identity as well as communication measures and channels along the entire employee life cycle.
The range of employer branding measures is extremely diverse. Regardless of whether you are a small or medium-sized enterprise, a corporate group or a large company - we will advise you individually on which measures are best suited to your goals. External employer branding measures are primarily aimed at people who are not yet tied to the company. They are designed to raise awareness of the employer brand and arouse interest in your company. We support you along the entire expert journey: from the creation of new job advertisements, the development of a modern career website, headhunting & active sourcing, social recruiting to appearances at career fairs or addressing students in the area of university marketing. We convince potential candidates with an authentic employer brand experience and a customised employer branding campaign.
You have not won new employees until they have been successfully integrated into the company. We advise you on how to create a positive experience for your candidates throughout the application and onboarding process. Your employer brand is credibly reflected at every step. In addition, we offer staff training and coaching for employee and team development, which ensures long-term employee satisfaction and promotes a positive corporate climate. Employee surveys, team events and company celebrations as well as appealing internal communication through employee newspapers, internal newsletters, a modern intranet, wikies, employee app or gamification round off our offer.
A single person is more approachable than a company. Anyone who practices modern employer branding knows the importance of personal brands. Social CEOs, executives and top performers give the company a human face in social networks and attract attention - for themselves and your company. We advise you comprehensively which topic suits you. What content interests your target group? Which platform is relevant? We support you in sharing your expert knowledge and establishing an authentic and trusting relationship with your target group. Become a thought leader with our support, build a positive reputation and benefit from the positive effects in the area of employee recruitment and employer branding. Get in touch with us. We will coach you on how to achieve more with personal branding on LinkedIn & Co.
The world of work is constantly changing. Don't stand still! We have already been active in the field of employer branding for numerous clients. Our spectrum ranges from individual career websites, comprehensive employer branding campaigns, the development of employer brands, employee events and corporate events to personal branding.
Show moreEmployer Branding Insights
The world of jobs is becoming increasingly complex. Economic fluctuations, social change and shortages of skilled workers are increasing the demands on employers and pose new challenges for companies. The recruitment of specialists and managers, but also the retention of existing employees requires new ways of thinking. With holistic employer branding you create a clear positioning on the employer market, differentiate yourself from the competition and at the same time create identification for your employees. You inspire interested parties and employees to make a common vision become reality.
Get more insights on the topic of employer branding! In our dossier we take up current studies and exciting trends. We also deal with the most important questions about employer branding.
Market, competition & target group analysis
Our work is based on an analysis of the market environment, the competition and best practices. We identify the target group internally through employee interviews and externally through studies and professional articles.
Strategy, Positioning & EVP
Together with you we develop or optimize your Employer Value Proposition (EVP). It is the heart of the employer brand and defines your positioning and strategic orientation.
Markendesign & Kampagne
We develop the graphic appearance of your employer brand as well as the central idea and design of campaigns for you - always taking into account the integration or differentiation from the corporate brand.
Individual personnel marketing
Based on your goals, we develop a communication strategy along the entire Expert Journey. The HOUSTON CIRCLE is our modular steering wheel to identify potentials and measures internally and externally.
Media consulting/planning
The touchpoints of the target group are manifold. We advise you on the choice of suitable media contact options and media planning for online & out-of-home campaigning (OOH) as well as ad placement and social media.
Online Marketing & Social Media
Via Online Marketing and SEO we enable you to apply for open positions in a targeted manner. In addition, we provide authentic insights into the world of work in order to intensify the bond between your employees and your company. We achieve this by continuously enlivening your social media channels with target group-relevant content.
University marketing & career fairs
Addressing the new generation places you early on in the relevant set of the target group. With the help of our network and our target group expertise, we strengthen the presence of your brand at universities, through promotions and appearances at career fairs.
Process consulting: Application & Onboarding
To turn candidates into employees, the Candidate Experience must also be guaranteed in the processes. We advise you with regard to the recruiting, application & onboarding processes as well as the implementation of assessments.
Workshops & Coachings
To increase your human capital, we support you in the design and implementation of workshops for team development, leadership coaching and development of career models.
Employee Retention & Incentives
We design and implement team incentives, employee and family events as well as employer promotions for employee retention. This also includes internal communication and regular surveys to ensure employee satisfaction.